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Green Earth Project 2022

Green Earth Project 2024

Making The Earth A Better Place To Live

Every year, millions of acres are lost to the desert. There are more than 78 million acres of rainforest lost each year. Since the beginning of time, mankind has destroyed land and simply moved on to better locations. What happens when we run out? NASA and the US government are planning to start farming on Mars. Would it not be smarter to reclaim our farmlands lost on Earth to deserts than to spend billions of dollars terraforming another planet?
What would you do if you were filthy rich?

No human technology can replace nature`s technology perfected for hundreds of millions of years to sustain life on Earth.

For those in power, the questions are straightforward. Are they prepared to jeopardize their careers for our children’s children?

Are they ready to put short-term politics aside and help deliver a sustainable plan for the future of our environment and homes?

Are politicians willing to make difficult decisions on
behalf of voters they’ll never meet


Grow Box Central


Indoor farming using vertical growth platforms would be used at the startup phase to quickly have an income-producing crop

Green Farming For Profit


The idea for this project is to create a profitable farming business and solar farm using farmlands lost to arid conditions in the USA. With a combination of indoor greenhouse farming,d land reclamation, and water management we plan to create a profitable business.


The increase in vegetation will improve the climate and also lay the foundations for future farming. The farm would be run on net-zero emissions. Not only would the farm produce agriculture and cannabis, but it would also be a solar farm selling off excess electricity.

green house farminng

Climate change is real, just ask the dinosaurs. Many of them got instantly frozen in ice. We need to act now! Recover our lands lost to arid conditions, improper grazing, and poor water management. Plant trees, grass, crops, and even weeds to help fight climate change. As trees and other plant life grow, they fight climate change by removing CO2 from the air, storing carbon in the plants and soil, and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.

climate change

farm wheat

My goal is to create a farming community in the USA on the arid lands lost to drought or desert. Many countries around the world have done this through their governments on massive scales. In all of my research, I have come up with one question. Why has the USA not done the same? By finding a way to use deserts and reclaim lands lost in the Midwest we would not only help the environment but would also be building a better America. If we can build one we can build a hundred communities like this.


Most of the project will be outsourced to experienced contractors for the initial setup phase for building construction, solar farm, and other utilities.

1. Planning / Research
2. Purchase land without restrictions.
3. Acquire permits if needed.
4. Purchase equipment: farming, living, construction, transportation
5. Establish access/build roads
6. Set up temporary housing, utilities, and waste system: Initially, we will start with a small crew of 15 individuals living on location to establish proof of concept and assist with community startup.
7. Solar farm, backup power systems
8. Water storage tank, local wells, reservoirs
Proof of concept: Start with a small version for testing greenhouses, water reclamation, and plant growth.

Desert Greenhouse

The Desert Greenhouse turns wasted sandy land into arable farmland


Technology In The Agriculture Business

The nation is becoming more and more health-conscious and starting to see we cannot keep over-stressing our resources. Our initial target market will be set up as a business-to-business.

There is a huge demand for healthy organically grown crops. The industries we are pursuing are new with new technologies every day. Because of the exponential growth rate a successful operation has little to worry about from the competition.

New developments in analytical software, management programs, mobile apps, and online marketplaces have revolutionized marketing in the agriculture farm business.

The use of recent technology has resulted in more organized and efficient operations of a farm. The online marketplace makes it easy for small and large farms to connect direct business-to-business transactions with local markets, grocery stores, and restaurants.

Agricultural Business Ideas

Agricultural Business Ideas

As the initial startup, most of our cash crop will be grown indoors. The idea is to develop the land surrounding greenhouses as well as make the business profitable in the short term. Our focus will be on specialty crops such as vegan foods, organically grown foods, and herbs. The initial crops will be grown inside specially constructed greenhouses for vertical farming. As we make profitable growth inside, there will also be a groundwork plan in place using precision farming outside. By focusing on a wide range of high-profit areas, including cannabis and livestock, we expect to be profitable in less than 5 years

As part of our expertise in the farming industry, we will be partnering with Bill Gregorovic owner of Green Rhino Container Farms. His expertise in indoor farming will be invaluable for our greenhouse-growing solutions. The cannabis industry is much more complex than the agriculture market.
Cannabis. Market value: $22.10 billion.

Once we establish grass growth in the arid lands we will be adding livestock. One profitable industry that might be considered at that time would be raising camels. Camels are heat-resistant and low-maintenance. They produce milk, meat, and leather. We will need livestock to make the land viable for growing agriculture.

  • Vertical Farming. Market value: $3.9 billion.
  • Precision Farming. Market value: $7 billion.
  • Apiculture. Market value: $8.3 billion.
  • Microgreens. Market value: $10.9 billion.
  • Vegan Food. Market value: $14.4 billion.
  • Herbs: Market value: $11.03 billion.
  • Corn, as the land is viable
  • Soybean, as the land is viable


The biggest advantage of our location in the arid region is the abundance of sunshine. The average solar farm has an income per acre of around $14000 to $16000 for an installation size of 435 kW of solar panels. The solar farm we are planning to start is rated in mW (megawatts); therefore, we plan to make a profit at a rate of $32000 to $40000 per year.


  1. New homes
  2. New jobs
  3. Reclaim arid land
  4. New food sources
  5. Cleaner environment
  6. Make Money



For the most part, everything I am planning is my own original idea. But as I research my ideas, I am finding that in parts, much of it is already being utilized in successful operations around the world. In Australia, Sundrop Farm is using mirrors to harness the sun’s energy and grow tomatoes more sustainably. They are using the heat from the mirrors to convert seawater pumped from the Spence Gulf 5K away.


Our idea is not new to the world, only the USA. America is supposed to be the leader in green solutions to help our environment. But, in the world, they are falling far behind. In Israel, researchers manage to develop agriculture on desert lands. Israel’s Desert Agriculture.

Save The Planet

The Negev Desert is a sea of ​​stone and sand. In the Negev, however, emerge in the distance puzzles of greenery that the Israelis have called “miracles of the desert”, rectilinear plots cultivated where rainfall is almost nonexistent. Dozens of farmers grow fruits and vegetables in the desert. The Israelis pumped water from where a sea lay centuries ago. There is no danger to the environment.

The water is distributed drop by drop. It germinates 80% of the country’s cherry tomatoes. The fields are organic, there is no vermin and produced with fewer resources. Farmers in the Negev have even started farming fish and shellfish. Brackish groundwater would be good for their development. Faced with a 60% desert territory, the country innovates to develop the agriculture of tomorrow.

This allowed the cultivation of a desert truffle by implanting mushroom molecules in resistant bushes. Israel is cited as an example of its ability to produce more with fewer and fewer resources. The stake is also geopolitical; the water reserves are disputed between the Hebrew State and its neighbors.

Farmland Lost

Every year, millions of acres of farmland are lost to the desert. That’s an area the size of New Mexico! And it’s not just farmland that’s disappearing. Millions of acres of rainforest are also lost each year. This is a serious problem. We’re losing our ability to produce food and other resources that we need to survive. And it’s only going to get worse if we don’t take action.

So, what can we do?

One option is to start farming on Mars. But that’s a long way off, and it’s going to be incredibly expensive. A better option is to reclaim the farmlands that we’ve already lost. We have the technology to do it. We just need to invest in it. There are a number of ways to reclaim farmland. One way is to plant trees. Trees help to prevent soil erosion, and they also help to improve the quality of the soil. Another way to reclaim farmland is to use nano-clay. Nanoclay is a type of clay that is very effective at holding water. It can be used to improve the quality of soil in dry areas.

We can also use biotechnology to reclaim farmland. Scientists are developing new types of plants that can grow in harsh conditions. Areas that have suffered from desertification could use these plants to repopulate them. Reclaiming farmland is not only important for our food security; it’s also important for the environment. Deserts are a major source of dust storms, which can cause respiratory problems and other health problems. Reclaiming farmland can help reduce the number of dust storms.

So, why aren’t we reclaiming more farmland?

One reason is that it’s expensive. It takes a lot of money to plant trees, build irrigation systems, and develop new technologies. Another reason is that it’s time-consuming. It can take years or even decades to reclaim farmland. But the truth is, we can’t afford to wait. We need to start reclaiming farmland now. Our future depends on it.